IA WebAPI Body schedule module

"Description":" Send Message API ",  ## Name of the Module, Project or Runbook
"When": {"Immediate": true, ## When the action needs to be executed immediately
"IsLocalTime": true, ## Required
"UseWakeOnLAN": false}, ## Required
"What": [{
    "ID":" 0D05A348-4574-4CAB-82F9-A5D3251457FD ", ## GUID of the Module, Project or Runbook
    "Type": 0, ## Type Module=0, Project=1 and Runbook=2
    "Name":" Send Message API " ## Name of the Module, Project or Runbook
"Who": [{
    "ID":" 4FF6C7C2-4D63-47F7-AE28-CE8BDA0BA36D ", ## GUID of the agent
    "Type": 0, ## Type = 0 for the agents
    "Name":" SB-IV-AM02 " ## Name of the agent
    "ID":" 325282B6-2099-4FBB-B60B-38EC4F96E755 ", ## GUID of the Module, Project or Runbook
    "Type": 0, ## Type = 0 for the agents
    "Name":" SB-IV-AM01 " ## Name of the agent
"Parameters": [{
    "Identifier":"'+'$Identitifier+'", ## Create a PS parameter which creates a new GUID ($Identitifier = New_GUID)
    "Type": 0, ## 
    "TaskContainerGuid":" 0D05A348-4574-4CAB-82F9-A5D3251457FD ", ## GUID of the Module, Project or Runbook
    "TaskContainerName":" Send Message API ", ## Name of the Module, Project or Runbook
    "JobGuid": "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}", ## This value can be default
    "JobName": "",
        "JobParameters": [{
            "Name":"Caption", ## Name of the Module/Project/Runbook parameter
            "Type":0, ## Type of the parameter (see above for the parameter types)
            "Description":"", ## Leave empty but is required
            "Value1":"This is a test", ## Value of the parameter
            "Hint":"Please provide the necessary input", ## Leave default but is required
            "Selection":"" ## Leave empty but is required
            "Name":"Message", ## Name of the Module/Project/Runbook parameter
            "Type":0, ## Type of the parameter (see above for the types)
            "Description":"", ## Leave empty but is required
            "Value1":"'+$Parameter_Message+'", ## PS parameters can also be used to fill the Automation parameter
            "Value2":"", ## Extra value but can be removed
            "Value3":"", ## Extra value but can be removed
            "Hint":"Please provide the necessary input", ## Leave default but is required
            "Selection":"" ## Leave empty but is required